Living area
About 75 m²
About 236 m³
Year built
Built in 1964
Number of rooms
4 rooms (3 bedrooms)

Gravin Juliana van Stolberglaan 342

2263 VR, Leidschendam (Zuid-Holland)

For English please see below

Onze SMASH Makelaar, Alexandra van der Schot is gestart met de bezichtigingen van dit heerlijke 4-kamerappartement gelegen op de 6e etage met royaal balkon, fraai uitzicht en thans 3 slaapkamers.

Via de woningwebsite kunt u zelf een bezichtiging inplannen op het gewenste tijdstip:


In 2019 werd het appartement door de huidige eigenaar geheel gerenoveerd:
• Nieuwe keuken;
• Nieuwe badkamer en betegeling;
• Nieuw toilet en betegeling
• Nieuwe binnendeuren en beslag;
• Nieuwe vloeren (laminaat).

• Verwarming door blokverwarming
• Warm water via eigen voorziening
• Voorzien van houten kozijnen met dubbele beglazing
• Bijdrage VvE € 267,61 per maand
• Voorschot stookkosten € 110,- per maand [is ruimschoots voldoende]
• Gebruiksoppervlakte circa 73 m2
• Ruime inpandige berging op begane vloer
• Oplevering in overleg

Op loopafstand van het appartement is een winkelcentrum met diverse winkels voor dagelijkse boodschappen. In de omgeving zijn verder diverse voorzieningen beschikbaar: uitvalswegen, openbaar vervoerverbindingen, sportaccommodaties, sportcentrum de Fluit, scholen, HMC Antoniushove, the Mall of the Netherlands en het gezellige oude centrum van Leidschendam.

Begane grond: centrale entree, hal met liftinstallatie, trappenhuis en bergingen.

6e etage: entree, tochtportaal, hal, lichte woonkamer, grote slaapkamer met deur naar het zonnige balkon (ca. 6 m2) en 2 kleinere slaapkamers. De nette keuken bevindt zich aan de voorzijde. Separaat toilet, badkamer met inloopdouche, wastafelmeubel en wasmachine- en drogeraansluiting.

Interesse in dit huis? Schakel direct uw eigen VBO-aankoopmakelaar in. Uw VBO-aankoopmakelaar komt op voor uw belang en bespaart u veel tijd, geld en zorgen.
Bovenstaande informatie is door ons met de hoogst nodige zorgvuldigheid samengesteld. Door ons wordt echter geen enkele aansprakelijkheid aanvaard voor enige onvolledigheid, onjuistheid of anderszins, dan wel de gevolgen daarvan. Alle opgegeven maten en oppervlakten zijn indicatief. De woning is gemeten met gebruikmaking van de Meetinstructie, die is gebaseerd op de normen zoals vastgelegd in NEN 2580. De Meetinstructie is bedoeld om een meer eenduidige manier van meten toe te passen voor het geven van een indicatie van gebruiksoppervlakte. De Meetinstructie sluit verschillen in meetuitkomsten niet volledig uit, door bijvoorbeeld interpretatieverschillen, afrondingen of beperkingen bij het uitvoeren van de meting. Hoewel wij de woning zorgvuldig hebben opgemeten, wordt noch door ons kantoor, noch door de verkoper enige aansprakelijkheid aanvaard voor afwijkingen in de opgegeven maten. Koper wordt in de gelegenheid gesteld om de opgegeven maten te (laten) controleren.

Our SMASH real estate agent, Alexandra van der Schot, started the viewings of this delightful 4-room apartment located on the 6th floor, featuring a spacious balcony, beautiful views, and currently 3 bedrooms.

You can schedule a viewing at your desired time through the property website:

In 2019, the apartment was completely renovated by the current owner:
• New kitchen;
• New bathroom and tiling;
• New toilet and tiling;
• New interior doors and hardware;
• New flooring (laminate).

• Heating via block heating
• Hot water via own provision
• Equipped with wooden window frames with double glazing
• VvE (Homeowners Association) contribution € 267.61 per month
• Advance heating costs € 110 per month [more than sufficient]
• Usable area approximately 73 m²
• Spacious indoor storage on the ground floor
• Delivery in consultation

Within walking distance of the apartment, there is a shopping center with various stores for daily groceries. The area also offers various amenities: main roads, public transport connections, sports facilities, sports center De Fluit, schools, HMC Antoniushove, the Mall of the Netherlands, and the charming old center of Leidschendam.
Layout: Ground floor: central entrance, hall with elevator, stairwell, and storage rooms.
6th floor: entrance, draft lobby, hall, bright living room, large bedroom with door to the sunny balcony (approx. 6 m²), and 2 smaller bedrooms. The neat kitchen is located at the front. Separate toilet, bathroom with walk-in shower, washbasin, and connections for a washing machine and dryer.
Interested in this house? Engage your own VBO buying agent immediately. Your VBO buying agent will look after your interests and save you a lot of time, money, and worries. The above information has been compiled by us with the utmost care. However, no liability is accepted by us for any incompleteness, inaccuracy, or otherwise, nor for the consequences thereof. All stated dimensions and areas are indicative. The property has been measured using the Measurement Instruction, which is based on the standards as laid down in NEN 2580. The Measurement Instruction is intended to apply a more uniform way of measuring to provide an indication of usable area. The Measurement Instruction does not completely exclude differences in measurement results, for example due to interpretation differences, rounding, or limitations in carrying out the measurement. Although we have measured the property carefully, neither our office nor the seller accepts any liability for deviations in the stated measurements. The buyer is given the opportunity to verify the stated measurements.

Floor plans


Asking price
€ 275,000 k.k.
Under bid
By arrangement
VvE contribution
€267.61 per month


Object type
Gallery flat (apartment)
Type of construction
Existing construction
Year built
Type of roof
Flat roof covered with bituminous roofing material
Energy Performance Consulting

Area and content

Living area
75 m²
236 m³
External storage space
7 m²
Building built. outdoor space
5 m²


Number of rooms
4 rooms (3 bedrooms)
Number of bathrooms
1 bathroom and 1 separate toilet
Number of residential floors
1 floor
Located at
6th floor
Exterior blinds and elevator


Energy label
Energy label registration
Double glazing
Block heating
Hot water
Central facility

Outdoor space

On a quiet road and in a residential area
Balcony / roof terrace
Balcony available


Barn / storage room


Type of parking facility
On-site and public parking

VvE checklist

Registration with the Chamber of Commerce
Annual meeting
Periodic contribution
Yes (€267.61 per month)
Reserve fund available
Maintenance plan
Building insurance

Energy consumption in Leidschendam

Energy label this property

Energielabel G

Energy label valid until: 28-06-2028

Power consumption per year

1990 kWh

(Average apartment in Leidschendam)

Gas consumption per year

900 m³

(Average apartment in Leidschendam)

* Figures are from CBS and are intended as an indication and may vary for this property

Indication of mortgage costs

Own deposit:
Savings / surplus value

Lowest 10-year interest rate

Lowest 10-year interest rate

3,46% - ABN AMRO Budget Hypoth... - NHG

3,89% - Centraal Beheer Leef H... - 100%

Lowest 20-year interest rate

3,72% - Attens Hypotheek - NHG

4,16% - Vista Hypotheken Hypot... - 100%

Lowest 30-year interest rate

3,89% - Allianz Hypotheek - NHG

4,24% - Attens Hypotheek - 100%


Gross monthly expenses: € 0 p/m

Net monthly expenses: € 0 p/m

How do we calculate this?

The interest rate is based on the lowest 10-annual fixed rate for one mortgage part. The interest rate listed (3.46% met NHG) was checked on 15-09-2024. This calculation is based on an annuity mortgage that is fully repaid, with monthly payments remaining the same throughout the term. Actual interest and net monthly payments may vary depending on your personal situation and the mortgage lender. Please consult a financial advisor for an accurate calculation and advice. No rights can be derived from this calculation; it serves only as an indication.


Cadastral map

Living Environment

WOZ valuation report

BAG extract

Deed of Delivery avg

Energy label G

List of Business Version 2023

VVE Checklist associated with Questionnaire.

5. electrical storage shed conversion

6. Operating budget 2024 - keep the same

6. Fuel budget 2024 - 4% index

8. Apartment Clause Insurance

2024_2510_Building Insurance_Conditions_CB


2510 heating budget 2024






Settlement 2023 heating costs avg

Agenda additional meeting September 2023

Agenda meeting May 2023

Agenda meeting September 2022

Budget of fiscal year 2024

Warranty certificate kitchen appliances tm 2026


Annual Report 2023

Minutes extra meeting September 2023

Minutes of meeting May 2023

Minutes of meeting September 2022

Presentation improvement plan VvE

Division regulations-1992


Questionnaire part 1

Floor plans PDF

Realtor Leidschendam

Visit our website

Bid on this property

Viewing solar borders

On the map

Residents in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

Total population
5940 inhabitants

Residents in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

up to 15 years
15 to 25 years
25 to 35 years
45 to 65 years
65 and older

Households in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

Single without children
Multi-person without children
Households without children

Households in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

Households with one child
Households with multiple children
Households with children

Homes in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

Houses before 1945
Houses between 1945 and 1965
Houses between 1965 and 1975
Houses between 1975 and 1985
Houses between 1985 and 1995

Homes in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

Homes between 1995 and 2005
Homes between 2005 and 2015
Homes after 2015
Rental properties
Homes for sale

Other in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

Average WOZ value
€ 184.000,-
Persons under 65 with benefits

Other in Leidschendam

Cijfers voor postcodegebied 2263

Addresses per km²
Urbanity (scale of 1 to 5)
Postcode kaart 2263 Gemeente kaart leidschendam-voorburg

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a viewing, please use the form to the right. You will be contacted shortly thereafter.

Rietvoornvijver 12

2492 MP, Den Haag

070 - 4445 551

Tulpentuin 26

2272 XK, Voorburg

Rietvoornvijver 12

2492 MP, Den Haag

Reviews SMASH Makelaars

Gravin Juliana van Stolberglaan 342, Leidschendam

€ 275,000 k.k. - Under bid